42 const uint8_t *bufs[],
uint64_t buffer
Pointer to data buffer to send over SPI.
uint32_t size
Size of dw_spi_transaction::buffer.
int esp_apptrace_usr_block_write(const struct esp32_apptrace_hw *hw, struct target *target, uint32_t block_id, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size)
void esp32_apptrace_cmd_args_parse(struct esp32_apptrace_cmd_ctx *cmd_ctx, struct esp32_apptrace_cmd_data *cmd_data, const char **argv, int argc)
int esp32_apptrace_dest_cleanup(struct esp32_apptrace_dest dest[], unsigned int max_dests)
int esp32_apptrace_dest_init(struct esp32_apptrace_dest dest[], const char *dest_paths[], unsigned int max_dests)
int esp32_apptrace_cmd_ctx_init(struct esp32_apptrace_cmd_ctx *cmd_ctx, struct command_invocation *cmd, int mode)
const struct command_registration esp32_apptrace_command_handlers[]
int esp32_apptrace_cmd_ctx_cleanup(struct esp32_apptrace_cmd_ctx *cmd_ctx)
static struct jaylink_connection conn
When run_command is called, a new instance will be created on the stack, filled with the proper value...
uint32_t max_trace_block_sz
struct target * cpus[ESP32_APPTRACE_MAX_CORES_NUM]
enum target_state target_state
struct duration idle_time
struct duration read_time
struct list_head ready_trace_blocks
struct esp32_apptrace_cmd_stats stats
int(* process_data)(struct esp32_apptrace_cmd_ctx *ctx, unsigned int core_id, uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len)
struct command_invocation * cmd
const struct esp32_apptrace_hw * hw
void(* auto_clean)(struct esp32_apptrace_cmd_ctx *ctx)
struct list_head free_trace_blocks
struct esp32_apptrace_format trace_format
struct esp32_apptrace_dest data_dest
int(* write)(void *priv, uint8_t *data, int size)
uint32_t(* usr_block_max_size_get)(struct target *target)
int(* leave_trace_crit_section_stop)(struct target *target)
int(* ctrl_reg_read)(struct target *target, uint32_t *block_id, uint32_t *len, bool *conn)
int(* data_read)(struct target *target, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t block_id, bool ack)
int(* data_len_read)(struct target *target, uint32_t *block_id, uint32_t *len)
int(* leave_trace_crit_section_start)(struct target *target)
uint32_t(* max_block_size_get)(struct target *target)
int(* ctrl_reg_write)(struct target *target, uint32_t block_id, uint32_t len, bool conn, bool data)
int(* status_reg_read)(struct target *target, uint32_t *stat)
int(* buffs_write)(struct target *target, uint32_t bufs_num, uint32_t buf_sz[], const uint8_t *bufs[], uint32_t block_id, bool ack, bool data)