dsp5680xx.h File Reference

Basic support for the 5680xx DSP from Freescale. The chip has two taps in the JTAG chain, the Master tap and the Core tap. In this code the Master tap is only used to unlock the flash memory by executing a JTAG instruction. More...

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Data Structures

struct  dsp5680xx_common


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FLASHING   -23
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FLASHING_CRC   -22
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FM_BUSY   -17
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FM_CMD_TIMED_OUT   -18
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FM_EXEC   -19
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FM_SET_CLK   -20
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_HALT   -25
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_COMM   -1
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_DRSCAN   -10
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_IRSCAN   -11
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_RESET   -2
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_NOT_IN_DEBUG   -28
#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_RESUME   -13
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_NOREG   0x00 /* No register selected */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OBAR   0x04 /* OnCE Breakpoint Address Register */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OBAR1   0x12 /* EOnCE Breakpoint 1 Unit 0 Address Reg.(OBAR1) */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OBASE   0x05 /* EOnCE Peripheral Base Address register */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCNTR   0x02 /* OnCE Breakpoint and Trace Counter */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCNTR_C   0x0C /* Clear OCNTR */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCR   0x01 /* OnCE Debug Control Register */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCR_EX   (1<<5)
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCR_GO   (1<<6)
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCR_RW   (1<<7)
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OPABDR   0x13 /* OnCE Program Address Register—Decode cycle (OPABDR) */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OPABER   0x10 /* OnCE Program Address Register—Execute cycle */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OPABFR   0x0A /* OnCE Program Address Register—Fetch cycle */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OPDBR   0x08 /* EOnCE Program Data Bus Register (OPDBR) */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OPFIFO   0x11 /* OnCE Program address FIFO */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_ORX   0x0B /* EOnCE Receive register (ORX) */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_ORX1   0x0D /* EOnCE Upper Receive register (ORX1) */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OSCR_NORMAL_M   (0)
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OSCR_OS0   (1<<4)
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OSCR_OS1   (1<<5)
 RW Bit Definition 0 Write To the Register Specified by the RS[4:0] Bits. More...
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OSR   0x03 /* EOnCE status register */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OTBCR   0x0E /* EOnCE Trace Buffer Control Reg (OTBCR) */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OTX   0x07 /* EOnCE Transmit register (OTX) */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OTX1   0x09 /* EOnCE Upper Transmit register (OTX1) */
#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OTXRXSR   0x06 /* EOnCE TXRX Status and Control Register (OTXRXSR) */
#define EONCE_STAT_MASK   0x30
#define FLUSH_COUNT_FLASH   8192
#define FLUSH_COUNT_READ_WRITE   8192 /* This value works, higher values (and lower...) may work as well. */
#define HFM_CLK_DEFAULT   0x27
 The value used on for the FM clock is important to prevent flashing errors and to prevent deterioration of the FM. More...
#define HFM_CLK_DIV   0x00 /* r/w */
 The following are register addresses, not memory addresses (though all registers are memory mapped) More...
#define HFM_CMD   0x14 /* r/w */
#define HFM_CNFG   0x01 /* r/w */
#define HFM_DATA   0x18 /* r */
#define HFM_ERASE_VERIFY   0x05
#define HFM_EXEC_COMPLETE   0x40
#define HFM_FLASH_BASE_ADDR   0x0
#define HFM_LOCK_ADDR_H   0x1FF8
#define HFM_LOCK_ADDR_L   0x1FF7
#define HFM_LOCK_FLASH   0xE70A
 Writing HFM_LOCK_FLASH to HFM_LOCK_ADDR_L and HFM_LOCK_ADDR_H will enable security on flash after the next reset. More...
#define HFM_MASS_ERASE   0x41
#define HFM_OPT1   0x1B /* r */
#define HFM_PAGE_ERASE   0x40
#define HFM_PROT   0x10 /* r/w */
#define HFM_PROTB   0x11 /* r/w */
#define HFM_SECHI   0x03 /* r */
#define HFM_SECLO   0x04 /* r */
#define HFM_SECTOR_COUNT   0x20
#define HFM_SECTOR_SIZE   0x200 /* Size in bytes */
#define HFM_SIZE_BYTES   0x4000 /* bytes */
#define HFM_SIZE_WORDS   0x2000 /* words */
#define HFM_TSTSIG   0x1D /* r */
#define HFM_USTAT   0x13 /* r/w */
#define HFM_USTAT_MASK_BLANK   0x4
#define HFM_WORD_PROGRAM   0x20
#define JTAG_INSTR_CLAMP   0x5
#define JTAG_INSTR_EXTEST   0x0
#define JTAG_INSTR_HIGHZ   0x4
#define JTAG_INSTR_IDCODE   0x2
#define JTAG_STATUS_BUSY   0x09
#define JTAG_STATUS_DEAD   0x0f
#define JTAG_STATUS_DEBUG   0x0D
#define JTAG_STATUS_MASK   0x0F
#define JTAG_STATUS_NORMAL   0x01
#define MASTER_TAP_CMD_TLM_SEL   0x5
#define MC568013_EONCE_OBASE_ADDR   0xFF
#define MC568013_EONCE_OCR   0xFFA0 /* Relative to EONCE_OBASE_ADDR */
#define MC568013_EONCE_TX1_RX1_HIGH_ADDR   0xFFFF /* Relative to EONCE_OBASE_ADDR */
#define MC568013_EONCE_TX_RX_ADDR   0xFFFE
#define MC568013_SIM_BASE_ADDR   0xF140
#define MC56803X_2X_SIM_BASE_ADDR   0xF100
#define S_FILE_DATA_OFFSET   0x200000
#define SIM_CMD_RESET   0x10
#define TIME_DIV_FREESCALE   0.3


int dsp5680xx_f_erase (struct target *target, int first, int last)
 Erases either a sector or the complete flash array. More...
int dsp5680xx_f_erase_check (struct target *target, uint8_t *erased, uint32_t sector)
 The FM has the functionality of checking if the flash array is erased. More...
int dsp5680xx_f_lock (struct target *target)
 Writes the flash security words with a specific value. More...
int dsp5680xx_f_protect_check (struct target *target, uint16_t *protected)
 Reads the memory mapped protection register. More...
int dsp5680xx_f_unlock (struct target *target)
 Executes a mass erase command. More...
int dsp5680xx_f_wr (struct target *target, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t address, uint32_t count, int is_flash_lock)
 Writes to flash memory. More...
static struct dsp5680xx_commontarget_to_dsp5680xx (struct target *target)

Detailed Description

Basic support for the 5680xx DSP from Freescale. The chip has two taps in the JTAG chain, the Master tap and the Core tap. In this code the Master tap is only used to unlock the flash memory by executing a JTAG instruction.

Rodrigo Rosa
Thu Jun 9 18:54:38 2011

Definition in file dsp5680xx.h.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 252 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 266 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FLASHING   -23

Definition at line 263 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FLASHING_CRC   -22

Definition at line 262 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 261 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FM_BUSY   -17

Definition at line 257 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FM_CMD_TIMED_OUT   -18

Definition at line 258 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FM_EXEC   -19

Definition at line 259 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_FM_SET_CLK   -20

Definition at line 260 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_HALT   -25

Definition at line 265 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 255 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 245 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_COMM   -1

Definition at line 241 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 244 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_DRSCAN   -10

Definition at line 250 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 243 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_IRSCAN   -11

Definition at line 251 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_RESET   -2

Definition at line 242 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 247 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 246 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 249 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 248 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 264 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_NOT_IN_DEBUG   -28

Definition at line 268 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 256 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ERROR_RESUME   -13

Definition at line 253 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 267 of file dsp5680xx.h.



ERROR codes - enable automatic parsing of output

Definition at line 240 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 254 of file dsp5680xx.h.




Definition at line 34 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 35 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_NOREG   0x00 /* No register selected */

Register Select Encoding (eonce_rev.1.0_0208081.pdf:14)

Definition at line 120 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OBAR   0x04 /* OnCE Breakpoint Address Register */

Definition at line 124 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OBAR1   0x12 /* EOnCE Breakpoint 1 Unit 0 Address Reg.(OBAR1) */

Definition at line 137 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OBASE   0x05 /* EOnCE Peripheral Base Address register */

Definition at line 125 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCNTR   0x02 /* OnCE Breakpoint and Trace Counter */

Definition at line 122 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCNTR_C   0x0C /* Clear OCNTR */

Definition at line 132 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCR   0x01 /* OnCE Debug Control Register */

Definition at line 121 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCR_EX   (1<<5)

EOnCE control register info

Definition at line 74 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCR_GO   (1<<6)

Definition at line 78 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OCR_RW   (1<<7)

Definition at line 82 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OPABDR   0x13 /* OnCE Program Address Register—Decode cycle (OPABDR) */

Definition at line 138 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OPABER   0x10 /* OnCE Program Address Register—Execute cycle */

Definition at line 135 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OPABFR   0x0A /* OnCE Program Address Register—Fetch cycle */

Definition at line 130 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OPDBR   0x08 /* EOnCE Program Data Bus Register (OPDBR) */

Definition at line 128 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OPFIFO   0x11 /* OnCE Program address FIFO */

Definition at line 136 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_ORX   0x0B /* EOnCE Receive register (ORX) */

Definition at line 131 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_ORX1   0x0D /* EOnCE Upper Receive register (ORX1) */

Definition at line 133 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 107 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 109 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OSCR_NORMAL_M   (0)

EOnCE Core Status - Describes the operating status of the core controller

Definition at line 103 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OSCR_OS0   (1<<4)

Definition at line 94 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OSCR_OS1   (1<<5)

RW Bit Definition 0 Write To the Register Specified by the RS[4:0] Bits.

1 ReadFrom the Register Specified by the RS[4:0] Bits

EOnCE Status Register

Definition at line 93 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 105 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OSR   0x03 /* EOnCE status register */

Definition at line 123 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OTBCR   0x0E /* EOnCE Trace Buffer Control Reg (OTBCR) */

Definition at line 134 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OTX   0x07 /* EOnCE Transmit register (OTX) */

Definition at line 127 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OTX1   0x09 /* EOnCE Upper Transmit register (OTX1) */

Definition at line 129 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define DSP5680XX_ONCE_OTXRXSR   0x06 /* EOnCE TXRX Status and Control Register (OTXRXSR) */

Definition at line 126 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define EONCE_STAT_MASK   0x30

Definition at line 111 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define FLUSH_COUNT_FLASH   8192

Definition at line 144 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define FLUSH_COUNT_READ_WRITE   8192 /* This value works, higher values (and lower...) may work as well. */

Definition at line 143 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Flashing (ref:MC56F801xRM.pdf:159)

Definition at line 163 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 150 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 154 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_CLK_DEFAULT   0x27

The value used on for the FM clock is important to prevent flashing errors and to prevent deterioration of the FM.

This value was calculated using a spreadsheet tool available on the Freescale website under FAQ 25464.

Definition at line 191 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_CLK_DIV   0x00 /* r/w */

The following are register addresses, not memory addresses (though all registers are memory mapped)

Definition at line 168 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_CMD   0x14 /* r/w */

Definition at line 175 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_CNFG   0x01 /* r/w */

Definition at line 169 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_DATA   0x18 /* r */

Definition at line 176 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_ERASE_VERIFY   0x05

HFM (flash module) Commands (ref:MC56F801xRM.pdf:159)

Definition at line 149 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_EXEC_COMPLETE   0x40

Definition at line 180 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_FLASH_BASE_ADDR   0x0

Definition at line 193 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_LOCK_ADDR_H   0x1FF8

Definition at line 205 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_LOCK_ADDR_L   0x1FF7

Definition at line 204 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_LOCK_FLASH   0xE70A

Writing HFM_LOCK_FLASH to HFM_LOCK_ADDR_L and HFM_LOCK_ADDR_H will enable security on flash after the next reset.

Definition at line 203 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_MASS_ERASE   0x41

Definition at line 153 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_OPT1   0x1B /* r */

Definition at line 177 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_PAGE_ERASE   0x40

Definition at line 152 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_PROT   0x10 /* r/w */

Definition at line 172 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_PROTB   0x11 /* r/w */

Definition at line 173 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_SECHI   0x03 /* r */

Definition at line 170 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_SECLO   0x04 /* r */

Definition at line 171 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_SECTOR_COUNT   0x20

Definition at line 197 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_SECTOR_SIZE   0x200 /* Size in bytes */

Definition at line 196 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_SIZE_BYTES   0x4000 /* bytes */

Definition at line 194 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_SIZE_WORDS   0x2000 /* words */

Definition at line 195 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_TSTSIG   0x1D /* r */

Definition at line 178 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_USTAT   0x13 /* r/w */

Definition at line 174 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_USTAT_MASK_BLANK   0x4

Definition at line 183 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 184 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define HFM_WORD_PROGRAM   0x20

Definition at line 151 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 53 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define JTAG_INSTR_CLAMP   0x5

Definition at line 50 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 52 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 51 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define JTAG_INSTR_EXTEST   0x0

Definition at line 45 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 48 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define JTAG_INSTR_HIGHZ   0x4

Definition at line 49 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define JTAG_INSTR_IDCODE   0x2

Definition at line 47 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 46 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define JTAG_STATUS_BUSY   0x09

Definition at line 41 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define JTAG_STATUS_DEAD   0x0f

Definition at line 43 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define JTAG_STATUS_DEBUG   0x0D

Definition at line 42 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define JTAG_STATUS_MASK   0x0F

Definition at line 37 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define JTAG_STATUS_NORMAL   0x01

Definition at line 39 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 40 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Master TAP instructions from MC56F8000RM.pdf

Definition at line 62 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 65 of file dsp5680xx.h.



Definition at line 63 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define MASTER_TAP_CMD_TLM_SEL   0x5

Definition at line 64 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define MC568013_EONCE_OBASE_ADDR   0xFF

Register Memory Map (eonce_rev.1.0_0208081.pdf:16)

Definition at line 214 of file dsp5680xx.h.

◆ MC568013_EONCE_OCR

#define MC568013_EONCE_OCR   0xFFA0 /* Relative to EONCE_OBASE_ADDR */

Definition at line 218 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define MC568013_EONCE_TX1_RX1_HIGH_ADDR   0xFFFF /* Relative to EONCE_OBASE_ADDR */

Definition at line 217 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define MC568013_EONCE_TX_RX_ADDR   0xFFFE

Definition at line 216 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define MC568013_SIM_BASE_ADDR   0xF140

SIM addresses & commands (MC56F80xx.h from freescale)

Definition at line 227 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define MC56803X_2X_SIM_BASE_ADDR   0xF100

Definition at line 228 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define S_FILE_DATA_OFFSET   0x200000

Definition at line 27 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define SIM_CMD_RESET   0x10

Definition at line 230 of file dsp5680xx.h.


#define TIME_DIV_FREESCALE   0.3

Definition at line 28 of file dsp5680xx.h.

Function Documentation

◆ dsp5680xx_f_erase()

int dsp5680xx_f_erase ( struct target target,
int  first,
int  last 

Erases either a sector or the complete flash array.

If either the range first-last covers the complete array or if first == 0 and last == 0 then a mass erase command is executed on the FM. If not, then individual sectors are erased.


Definition at line 1862 of file dsp5680xx.c.

References dsp5680xx_common::debug_mode_enabled, dsp5680xx_context, dsp5680xx_f_sim_reset(), dsp5680xx_halt(), erase_sector(), err_check_propagate, ERROR_OK, HFM_SECTOR_COUNT, mass_erase(), and set_fm_ck_div().

Referenced by dsp5680xx_flash_erase().

◆ dsp5680xx_f_erase_check()

int dsp5680xx_f_erase_check ( struct target target,
uint8_t *  erased,
uint32_t  sector 

The FM has the functionality of checking if the flash array is erased.

This function executes it. It does not support individual sector analysis.

sectorThis parameter is ignored because the FM does not support checking if individual sectors are erased.

Definition at line 1799 of file dsp5680xx.c.

References dsp5680xx_common::debug_mode_enabled, dsp5680xx_context, dsp5680xx_f_ex(), dsp5680xx_halt(), err_check_propagate, HFM_ERASE_VERIFY, HFM_FLASH_BASE_ADDR, HFM_SECTOR_SIZE, HFM_USTAT_MASK_BLANK, and set_fm_ck_div().

◆ dsp5680xx_f_lock()

int dsp5680xx_f_lock ( struct target target)

Writes the flash security words with a specific value.

The chip's security will be enabled after the first reset following the execution of this function.


Definition at line 2196 of file dsp5680xx.c.

References dsp5680xx_common::debug_mode_enabled, dsp5680xx_context, DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_RESET, DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_TAP_ENABLE_CORE, DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_TAP_ENABLE_MASTER, dsp5680xx_f_wr(), jtag_tap::enabled, err_check, err_check_propagate, ERROR_FAIL, HFM_LOCK_ADDR_L, HFM_LOCK_FLASH, jtag_add_reset(), jtag_add_sleep(), jtag_tap_by_string(), reset_jtag(), target::state, switch_tap(), TARGET_RUNNING, and TIME_DIV_FREESCALE.

Referenced by dsp5680xx_flash_protect().

◆ dsp5680xx_f_protect_check()

int dsp5680xx_f_protect_check ( struct target target,
uint16_t *  protected 

Reads the memory mapped protection register.

A 1 implies the sector is protected, a 0 implies the sector is not protected.

protectedData read from the protection register.

Definition at line 1572 of file dsp5680xx.c.

References check_halt_and_debug, DSP5680XX_ERROR_PROTECT_CHECK_INVALID_ARGS, dsp5680xx_read_16_single(), err_check, err_check_propagate, ERROR_FAIL, HFM_BASE_ADDR, and HFM_PROT.

Referenced by dsp5680xx_flash_protect_check().

◆ dsp5680xx_f_unlock()

int dsp5680xx_f_unlock ( struct target target)

Executes a mass erase command.

The must be done from the Master tap. It is up to the user to select the master tap (jtag tapenable dsp5680xx.chp) before running this function. The flash array will be unsecured (and erased) after the first reset following the execution of this function.


Definition at line 2095 of file dsp5680xx.c.

References dsp5680xx_common::debug_mode_enabled, dsp5680xx_context, dsp5680xx_drscan(), DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_RESET, DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_TAP_ENABLE_CORE, DSP5680XX_ERROR_JTAG_TAP_ENABLE_MASTER, dsp5680xx_irscan(), DSP5680XX_JTAG_CORE_TAP_IRLEN, DSP5680XX_JTAG_MASTER_TAP_IRLEN, jtag_tap::enabled, eonce_enter_debug_mode_without_reset(), err_check, err_check_propagate, ERROR_FAIL, ERROR_OK, HFM_CLK_DEFAULT, jtag_add_reset(), jtag_add_sleep(), JTAG_INSTR_DEBUG_REQUEST, jtag_tap_by_string(), LOG_WARNING, MASTER_TAP_CMD_FLASH_ERASE, reset_jtag(), target::state, switch_tap(), TARGET_RUNNING, and TIME_DIV_FREESCALE.

Referenced by dsp5680xx_flash_protect().

◆ dsp5680xx_f_wr()

int dsp5680xx_f_wr ( struct target target,
const uint8_t *  buffer,
uint32_t  address,
uint32_t  count,
int  is_flash_lock 

Writes to flash memory.

Does not check if flash is erased, it's up to the user to erase the flash before running this function. The flashing algorithm runs from RAM, reading from a register to which this function writes to. The algorithm is open loop, there is no control to verify that the FM read the register before writing the next data. A closed loop approach was much slower, and the current implementation does not fail, and if it did the crc check would detect it, allowing to flash again.

addressWord addressing.
countIn bytes.

Definition at line 1956 of file dsp5680xx.c.

References address, buffer, core_load_tx_rx_high_addr_to_r0(), core_move_long_to_r2, core_move_long_to_r3, core_move_value_at_r2_disp, core_tx_upper_data(), count, dsp5680xx_common::debug_mode_enabled, dsp5680xx_context, DSP5680XX_ERROR_FLASHING_CRC, DSP5680XX_ERROR_FLASHING_INVALID_WORD_COUNT, dsp5680xx_execute_queue(), dsp5680xx_f_signature(), dsp5680xx_resume(), dsp5680xx_write(), eonce_enter_debug_mode(), err_check, err_check_propagate, ERROR_FAIL, ERROR_OK, dsp5680xx_common::flush, FLUSH_COUNT_FLASH, HFM_BASE_ADDR, HFM_CNFG, HFM_PROT, HFM_PROTB, HFM_SIZE_WORDS, HFM_USTAT, NULL, perl_crc(), pgm_write_pflash, pgm_write_pflash_length, and set_fm_ck_div().

Referenced by dsp5680xx_f_lock(), and dsp5680xx_flash_write().

◆ target_to_dsp5680xx()

static struct dsp5680xx_common* target_to_dsp5680xx ( struct target target)

Definition at line 279 of file dsp5680xx.h.