struct jtag_command * jtag_command_queue_get(void)
unsigned int jtag_scan_size(const struct scan_command *cmd)
The inferred type of a scan_command structure, indicating whether the command has the host scan in fr...
From device to host,.
From host to device,.
Full-duplex scan.
int jtag_build_buffer(const struct scan_command *cmd, uint8_t **buffer)
void jtag_queue_command(struct jtag_command *cmd)
void jtag_scan_field_clone(struct scan_field *dst, const struct scan_field *src)
Copy a struct scan_field for insertion into the queue.
enum scan_type jtag_scan_type(const struct scan_command *cmd)
The type of the jtag_command_container contained by a jtag_command structure.
int jtag_read_buffer(uint8_t *buffer, const struct scan_command *cmd)
void jtag_command_queue_reset(void)
void * cmd_queue_alloc(size_t size)
uint64_t buffer
Pointer to data buffer to send over SPI.
uint32_t size
Size of dw_spi_transaction::buffer.
Defines JTAG Test Access Port states.
enum tap_state end_state
state in which JTAG commands should finish
enum jtag_command_type type
struct jtag_command * next
union jtag_command_container cmd
enum tap_state * path
states that have to be passed
unsigned int num_states
number of states in *path
int trst
Set TRST output: 0 = deassert, 1 = assert, -1 = no change.
int srst
Set SRST output: 0 = deassert, 1 = assert, -1 = no change.
enum tap_state end_state
state in which JTAG commands should finish
unsigned int num_cycles
number of cycles to spend in Run-Test/Idle state
The scan_command provide a means of encapsulating a set of scan_field structures that should be scann...
bool ir_scan
instruction/not data scan
enum tap_state end_state
state in which JTAG commands should finish
unsigned int num_fields
number of fields in *fields array
struct scan_field * fields
pointer to an array of data scan fields
This structure defines a single scan field in the scan.
uint32_t us
number of microseconds to sleep
unsigned int num_cycles
number of clock cycles that should be sent
enum tap_state end_state
state in which JTAG commands should finish
Encapsulates a series of bits to be clocked out, affecting state and mode of the interface.
const uint8_t * bits
The bits to clock out; the LSB is bit 0 of bits[0].
unsigned int num_bits
How many bits should be clocked out.
Defines a container type that hold a pointer to a JTAG command structure of any defined type.
struct end_state_command * end_state
struct runtest_command * runtest
struct pathmove_command * pathmove
struct stableclocks_command * stableclocks
struct statemove_command * statemove
struct sleep_command * sleep
struct reset_command * reset
struct scan_command * scan