jaylink_context Struct Reference

Opaque structure representing a libjaylink context. More...

Collaboration diagram for jaylink_context:

Data Fields

struct listdevs
 List of allocated device instances. More...
struct listdiscovered_devs
 List of recently discovered devices. More...
jaylink_log_callback log_callback
 Log callback function. More...
void * log_callback_data
 User data to be passed to the log callback function. More...
 Log domain. More...
enum jaylink_log_level log_level
 Current log level. More...

Detailed Description

Opaque structure representing a libjaylink context.

Definition at line 61 of file libjaylink-internal.h.

Field Documentation

◆ devs

struct list* jaylink_context::devs

List of allocated device instances.

Used to prevent multiple device instances for the same device.

Definition at line 71 of file libjaylink-internal.h.

Referenced by device_allocate(), find_device(), jaylink_exit(), jaylink_init(), jaylink_unref_device(), and probe_device().

◆ discovered_devs

struct list* jaylink_context::discovered_devs

List of recently discovered devices.

Definition at line 73 of file libjaylink-internal.h.

Referenced by clear_discovery_list(), discovery_tcp_scan(), discovery_usb_scan(), jaylink_exit(), jaylink_get_devices(), jaylink_init(), and probe_device().

◆ log_callback

jaylink_log_callback jaylink_context::log_callback

Log callback function.

Definition at line 77 of file libjaylink-internal.h.

Referenced by jaylink_init(), jaylink_log_set_callback(), log_dbg(), log_dbgio(), log_err(), log_info(), and log_warn().

◆ log_callback_data

void* jaylink_context::log_callback_data

User data to be passed to the log callback function.

Definition at line 79 of file libjaylink-internal.h.

Referenced by jaylink_init(), jaylink_log_set_callback(), log_dbg(), log_dbgio(), log_err(), log_info(), and log_warn().

◆ log_domain

char jaylink_context::log_domain[JAYLINK_LOG_DOMAIN_MAX_LENGTH+1]

Log domain.

Definition at line 81 of file libjaylink-internal.h.

Referenced by jaylink_log_get_domain(), jaylink_log_set_domain(), and log_vprintf().

◆ log_level

enum jaylink_log_level jaylink_context::log_level

Current log level.

Definition at line 75 of file libjaylink-internal.h.

Referenced by jaylink_init(), jaylink_log_get_level(), jaylink_log_set_level(), and log_vprintf().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: