1. Greetings from endianness hell

    Revision 90 just got committed to the SVN.

    I've spent the last two weeks cleaning up the handling of different target/host endianness. So far, all the generic code should be endianness safe, but the flash writing code is definitely not. Please report back if the OpenOCD still doesn't work …

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  2. SVN is at revision 83, and Michael Fischer's YAGARTO page

    Michael Fischer, who's supporting OpenOCD with his Windows installer packages and how-to articles (among other things), has put a new site online for his "Yet Another Gnu ARm TOolchain (YAGARTO)". It provides windows installer packages for OpenOCD, the GNU ARM toolchain and an integrated development environment using Eclipse and the …

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  3. Status update

    I've spent the last days integrating a patch from Spencer Oliver that allows native Windows builds of OpenOCD using MinGW, which is now available as SVN revision 78. There's one minor issue causing OpenOCD to quit when a GDB session is detached. This will be fixed in the next SVN …

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  4. OpenOCD forum moved, and some updates

    The forum system at Berlios is a bit unhandy to use - at least when you're used to the features offered by other systems. Tsvetan from Olimex has been kind enough to ask Sparkfun to host the OpenOCD forum, and they've just set up a new section at their forum. Thanks …

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  5. Branching, a few updates, and no more comments

    Yesterday I've changed the OpenOCD SVN repository layout to allow additional branches to be kept. The reason for this is that I started working on support for Intel XScale based systems. To be able to work on this without breaking the stable ARM7/9 stuff, I've moved the current …
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